Monday, November 24, 2008


I know what can I say I loved the book and fell in love with Edward. The movie on the other hand was a disappointment. Why can't directors make a movie according to the book. Is it that difficult. I know they can't fit everything in but come on keep the scenes correct and pick actors that fit the part. The actors Jacob,Laurent and Jasper were a disappointment. There were some great accurate scenes but the Cullen house didn't even come close to what was written in the book. I apoligize to those who loved the movie maybe when I see it again I won't be as tired and might like it better.


Jenn said...

You were in love with the book. I read it because you guys loved them and all read them. That is a disappointment I am sure!

Jenn said...

K- I saw the movie, that is the reason I am still up, even though it is LATE! I still could not get over the vampire thing. It just got to cheesy for me, and the guy next to me kept smirking, which made it that much worse. I thought Edward was so good looking! Did you?

Penny :) said...

Edward was hot but I thought parts of the movie were cheesy as well.