Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Baby!!

I know I'm one of those proud moms bragging about her kids. It was my babys first real day of Kindergarten. It was sad I can't believe how fast he is growing up. I had to take of picture of him walking home with his big brother. :)


Jenn said...

All moms can brag and it is not bragging. They just have great kids! They do grow up way too fast!!!

Rochelleht said...

My baby went to Kindergarten this year too, and I'm so super sad. I'm so glad it's only half day! I can't believe how fast it all goes by. People say that, but it still amazes me experiencing it.

Josh and Rach said...

I love that Jace has his backback on and is still carrying a wad of papers in his hand. They must be filling up those bags with tons of books earlier than I thought now.